Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wake Up, Dads

I've been told I should write a book on parenting. I'm not sure why exactly, but it comes from multiple sources. I don't have anything profound to share with parents. The most important thing to say is to prioritize your role as a parent. I see many who don't and their children are almost a bother to them.

As a father of three daughters, I have never hesitated to take them fishing, hiking, camping, to sporting events, and other activities that some think are more for boys. However, I have spent countless hours playing with the girly activities as well. I've done makeup, painted nails (that's me and daughter Madison above), had my nails done, had tea parties, participated in Barbie story lines as they emerged from my daughters' minds, and dealt with a whole lot of pink. It's what you do as a dad of daughters. I love the role of father.

Not everyone feels the same about parenting in general or fatherhood in particular. My sister-in-law sent me an article from Jeff Pearlman, a writer for It is worth sharing. He is calling dads who refuse to wipe snot, clean poop, order time outs, and just get to really know and enjoy their children to wake up. Here is part of his article:

"I understand that most of you have 9-to-5 jobs, that you leave tired and come home tired and just wanna chill in front of SportsCenter with a bowl of chips. But, seriously, you have no remote idea: Being a stay-at-home parent is exhausting. At the office, you can hide. You can take lunch. You can pretend you're working while scrolling the Internet for Yankees-Blue Jays and, ahem, Lindsay Lohan news. You have genuine social interactions with folks over the age of, oh, 12. People ask questions about your day -- and listen to the answers.

I envy you, but I sort of pity you. Kids grow. Age 1 turns to age 3, which turns to age 7, which turns to 15 and 18 and 21, all in the blink of an eye. If you're there, as I am, it flies. If you're not there -- if you're almost never there -- it barely exists at all. Which is why I just can't stomach those millions of dads who view their days at home as recovery from work, who'd rather rest than engage, who have no problem with passing the tykes off for more alone time with mom and who, literally, moan to their wives, "You have no idea how hard I work."

For you, I offer these 10 commandments of righteous fatherhood. Pay close attention, because, behind your back, people are pitying your wife:
  1. No golf on weekends: Seriously, it's ludicrous. Your spouse is home with the kids all the time, and you think it's OK to take five hours on a weekend day to pursue your own pastime? Selfishness, thy name is Father.
  2. Wake up: Literally, wake up. With your kids. On at least one of the two weekend days -- and perhaps both. I know: you wake up early for work. Not even remotely the same thing. Rising alongside the kiddies is hard. And crazy. And (gasp!) sorta fun, if you'd just stop moping.
  3. Change diapers: If you have little kids, and you don't know how to change diapers (or, even worse, refuse to change diapers), you're pathetic. That's no exaggeration -- p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c. It's not all that hard, and though the poop sometimes winds up on the fingers, well, uh, yeah. It just does. Wash your hands.
  4. Play with dolls and paint your toenails: How many fathers do I know who refuse to get girlish with their girls? Dozens. Dude, put aside the machismo, break out Barbie and slather on some pink polish. You'll make a friend for life -- and nobody else is watching.
  5. Do things you don't want to do: It's easy to take the kids to the driving range -- because you want to be there. Now try spending the day having a tea party at American Girl. Or crawling through one of those wormholes at the nearby kiddie gym. Fun? Often, no. But this isn't about you.
  6. Order the wife to bug off: I recently met a mother who told me her husband hadn't been alone with their 9-year-old daughter for more than two hours ... ever. Inexcusable. Let your wife do her own thing: relax, take a run, whatever. Entertain your children solo. They don't bite (Note: is not liable if your children do, in fact, bite).
  7. Surprise! Just once, on a random day without meaning or purpose, show up early at your kid's school/camp/wherever, say "Get in the car!" and take him/her somewhere special. Just the two of you, alone. A movie. A park. A hike. The memory lasts -- I promise.
  8. Dishes Don't Clean Themselves (Nor Do Toys): It's amazing how this one works. You pick up a dish, run it under hot water with some soap, rub it down with a towel and place it back on the shelf. Then repeat.
  9. Wake up your kid: Not often. But if you want to score big points and create a killer memory moment, walk in Junior's room at, oh, midnight, wake him/her up and go outside for 10 minutes to watch the stars.
  10. For God's sake, tell your kids you love them: They never see you, and they'd probably like to know.
Bud, as you read this your wife is expecting little -- and your kids are expecting even less. Pull one out of the blue. Make Father's Day less about you, and all about them."

Love it.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Is it Okay for a Christian to Cuss?

Sometimes it's fun to be a pastor, especially when you are with a someone who doesn't know you are a pastor. I have seen more than one shocked expression when a person finds out the person they've just spent the airplane ride or cocktail table with is a pastor. I can see their mind racing through the events up to that point to see what they said and did.

Most people want to remember one thing--did I cuss in front of the pastor? I assure them that cussing in front of me is not the big issue. I'm not their judge. However, the fact that so many use profanity, including Christians, raises a question I hear often: Is it okay for a Christian to cuss?

Many will argue against cussing from Scripture in passages such as the taming of the tongue in James 3 or words that arise from what's in the human heart in Luke 6. Some have asked whether we want our lives to be more like an episode of South Park or like the vision of holiness from the book of Revelation. Some argue that profanity is culturally defined and any cultural standard of which words are not acceptable is arbitrary and therefore not binding.

Language is complex. Word usage and meanings are constantly evolving. However, this issue for me is not complex. I have a simple standard by which to measure the words that come out of my mouth. I think it is a useful one for all Christians.

Would I cuss if I were face-to-face with God?

That's it for me. If I were there when the glory of God passed by Moses, would I say "#@$#, would you look at that?" If I were in the scene from Isaiah 6 where Isaiah goes before God and it is awesome to see, would I cuss? If I was on the mountain of transfiguration with Jesus, Moses, and Elijah, would profanity leave my lips? I don't think so.

My litmus test: if you wouldn't use the word in front of God, don't say it. The fact is, God is always with us. We are always in front of God. So in the end, never say it.