Saturday, February 9, 2013

Israel 2013 - Mountain of Transfiguration and Jerusalem

Today's guest blogger is Cindy Stitcher.  I've looked over several times and seen Cindy with a handful of tissues in her hand.  I think she is having an awesome trip.  Here is what she said about yesterday.

Day 5

Our day was packed with WOW moments.  First we rode to the top of Mount Tabor.  It is also called the Mount of Transfiguration.  This is the place that Jesus went to pray before he went to Jerusalem to be crucified.  Luke describes the moment when the disciples that were with Jesus saw him talking to Moses and Elijah.  They were talking about what Jesus was getting ready to go through.   This got me thinking about the power of prayer.  Even Jesus used prayer to get strength for whatever he needed to do.

Our second moment was after we sang How great thou Art in the church on Mount Tabor.  Immediately after the church bells rang – it was a perfect moment.  From here we start our journey to Jerusalem.

Our next WOW moment was when we stopped at Bet She’an National Park.  There we saw an old Roman City from that was built in approximately 500 B.C.  Israel made the discovery when they were doing a routine fix on a road.  The size of the dig and the details still in tact were amazing.  You could literally walk through the city.  It did not take much imagination to see it as it was.

We continued to drive to Jerusalem.  On the way we drove through some of the West Bank.  To our left was the country of Jordan.  At some points the fence for the border was just on the other side of the street. 

Our last WOW moment for the day was when we stopped to get our first view of Jerusalem.  We read from Psalm 122.  Ezra spoke of the history surrounding the city and gave us an overview of where things are located.  He had us repeat a Hebrew blessing. Then he said, “Welcome home” and the emotion I felt was overwhelming.  I have now gone through three boxes of tissues.  WOW.

I am now looking forward to the rest of out time here and continuing on our spiritual journey. 


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